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Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Robyne Highsmith is an accomplished artist and writer. What is life without Starbucks and chocolate?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Desperado Illusion

Every time I blog ,more of myself appears. I remember the Robyne who once was and writing brings me just a little closer to the person I hope to become. Decided to let go of some dreams, but instead of losing them, God is returning them along with some long forgotten ones riding side saddle.

We all can create a laundry list of failure experienced in this life.The good, the bad and "what was I thinking "decisions.They hide in our minds and influence the person we are at this point .Fear creates the "need " to  not pursue what we really want. Is there really failure or was it just a learning experience to get where we need to be?

The word Desperado held the illusion of freedom from an early age. All freedom comes with a price, one very few are willing to pay.  The ability to escape on so many levels,avoid confinement and  the accepted view of normality.

The older you get, the reality of a shortened life and ticking clock slaps you in the face. In youth, time is forever. It takes time to build a life and birth the talents each holds. In reality, talents or gifts are just perception. They are born out of  the desire to think out of the box and view the world differently. 

In childhood, Desperado became my theme song of life. 

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
You been out ridin' fences for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one
I know that you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow ......

There are some fences to check...Care to join me?

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Understanding A Gypsy Soul

We all know "Gypsy Souls", people full of dreams and adventure. They find most things to be mundane and boring. The untamed spirit needs occasional mischief to see a glimmer of hope or brightness. A strange beauty surrounds them.

Living as a Gypsy feels is like standing in the doorway of a huge medieval castle. You have a chain of keys but none fit the lock. The large wooden door challenges you creating a rage inside. The waiting can be painful and torturous. The keys could fit another castle,maybe you should search for the match.

Silence is the loudest noise in your head. The quiet allows you time to think and plot. Boredom sets in quickly in a world that never knows your secrets. Just like the castle, memories are locked behind a closed door. They creep out when opened but are never really exposed.

They are a good study of people. Many  appear to  have  intuition without reason, a knowledge that defies any interpretation. Lying words mean nothing; it only confirms the true nature of the people you are dealing with.

The creative mind provides the world you choose to live in. It writes paints and creates things totally with imagination. Remember daydreaming out of the window in school? You were in another place and time. Gypsies can live behind the wardrobe trying to escape the White Witch for hours.Time is of no relevance .

Most are never super rich but mega blessed. Money is not a passion and you grow to dislike the power it holds. Living in a massive house with all the gadgets under the sun has no importance. The million dollar life people desire to possess includes a ball and chain.

On Facebook and social media, we define people by their posts. We all struggle to be normal in society. Look around you today, everyone from the street musician  to the CEO work on making the journey their own. My advice: follow your heart, not your desire. They are different things, if you listen closely, you will hear.

During the past two months I have been reflecting a lot about "last year at this time". An attempt to define or reach a stronghold in life has sent  me down a series of roads. Each very different and winding into a web of life. I shall never stop my  journey….