Every Retail employee has an angel assigned to watch over them on Black Friday. They sit on your shoulder with a feather pen and book to log all your “angel points”. These points gain you favor with the retail Karma Fairy who arrives for Valentines Day.
Thanksgiving is cut short for you… The dressing and turkey are left behind. You have to go to the store on time. Park out in the trenches and hike your butt into the store. Why? Your coworkers did not want this shift because they are still enjoying drinks and time with loved ones. Next year ... Maybe….
Customers are waiting in lines at the door. All wanting to purchase something that could have gotten before and a few door buster deals. They rush in the door with such a clatter you wonder “what the hell is the matter?” Reality hits,OMG here we go again. Angel, please let the crazy ones get into another line to check out. I had my share of peopleof walmart.com last night.
People are grabbing and trashing about. Tempers are flaring and you breath a deep sigh. Your fingers are tying to ring as fast as they can, however,there as always is that “one slow man”. He wants to flirt and write a check. Come on sir please move along, it’s not just you, but this stupid Christmas music is driving me crazy. It has played since halloween and I am over the whole thing .
Stingy Susi wants it cheap but your register rang the wrong price and she is VERY unhappy. Oh Angel, let the Karma Fairy know about this witch. Behind her is drunken Dorothy, She just wants to go home but her credit card won’t work and it is your entire fault.
The Angel watches……Thinking…. Next year they have to do this again!
Thank you for reading my silly story!