A week or so later, the feeling started to disappear in the left side of my face. Over a two-day period, my left side fell. Drooping eye and lip, and if that is not bad enough, all sense of taste disappeared. Why get out of bed, if you can't go to Starbuck's? Moving my face became an almost impossible chore. Words did not come out right. "Y'all" sounded like "yell." This southern girl has a serious issue.
On Thursday, back to the ER; had an MRI and a zillion dollars in tests, and I'm diagnosed with Bell's Palsy. Really? Are you sure? And what’s that? How long does it last?
Bell's is a neurological disorder that can take months and up to a year to clear. The true cause is not known, but cases have been related to viruses. Well, this was great news compared to the alternatives! Ok, time for me to put my big girl panties on and deal with this.
Locked inside my apartment, hiding from the world, I viewed a city, busy, living life. Cars full of normal-faced people going back and forth to work. Are you feeling “poor me syndrome” yet?
My view on life and beauty suddenly changed. The next day, I sat watching coverage of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. Thoughts were of all the children; I said a prayer for Angels to surround them. How could someone do this? Only God knows the truth. Sitting here made me value life and the gift it really is. When it is all over, family and friends are all that counts. Everything else is just stuff.
Being a makeup artist, I can “fix” just about anything. I reminded myself, makeup is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Well, maybe this might require a Craftsman wrench and some WD-40. Armed with the best beauty products in the industry, the work began. Eyebrow pencil higher, good fake lip alignment, curled the droopy eye lashes and added waterproof mascara (because my affected eye was constantly watering). My face appeared a little more alive and even across its features.
Major Confession
The last few days have made me understand how shallow and superficial my life had become. Sometimes, there are the "simple things" we just don’t “get.”
For years, I have worked with women who have cancer or disfigurements. When they would cry in happiness after a makeover, a feeling of understanding would come over me. Did I really get the whole concept? Nope, not even close. The makeup fairy really does have a magic wand! Time has come for her to start waving it more for local nonprofit organizations.
My face is getting more feeling and movement each day. On Wednesday, back into the world I go, with an adjusted view on life. Bell's Palsy has been a good thing for me. Thanks for reading and give everyone in your life a big hug!
2013 Update
It has been a year since this post. For the most part my feeling and taste have not returned on the left side.The good news is everything has a chocolate taste. Not a bad side effect! Fragrances have totally changed. Animals and other things so intense now,much more than before. Living with the numbness and lack of taste have become a daily challenge , Biting the inside of your mouth is never fun! Several starbucks burned mouth episodes later......oh well enough for now. What I do know, this year has made me really look at life differently than before.
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