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Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Robyne Highsmith is an accomplished artist and writer. What is life without Starbucks and chocolate?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Missing Time...Letter

Hi  Friends,

Everyone deserves to know my reason for disappearing on this blog.  I have not felt like writing  and hope everyone will understand. My time in Florida was both wonderful and challenging.

We all have lived in a fantasy land of wanting to believe that something is true and find out otherwise. This revelation can be very pointed and poisonous.  My reason for going to Florida was to complete a promise made to my Father before his death. It has been completed and did my part to follow his wish.

I had the opportunity to meet some great new friends,have wonderful experiences and enjoy the beach. Watched the Blue Angels fly overhead almost everyday. The year opened many doors and dead bolted some that needed to be locked. Thank you for understanding my MIA routine and looking forward to writing again.

Kind Regards,

Robyne xoxoxoxox

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