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Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Robyne Highsmith is an accomplished artist and writer. What is life without Starbucks and chocolate?

Monday, September 30, 2013

Jimi Hendrix Checks into Hotel California

A major part of my life has always been music and writing. It blows my mind that it almost 40 years has lapsed since I became a teenager. There are many times I would give anything to go back agian. Great music never fades and appears frozen in time. How much we would learn if we could turn the DeLorean Time Machine back to the late 60's and  70's. The music and lifestyle were so different from today , but was it really? Looking back yet knowing what the future holds is a gift that would have changed the outcome of society . Oh ,what a gift that would have been....

Jimi Hendrix spoke words the world understood . He was a true artist...“. Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music” His theory holds true in the turbulent world we live in. Strange.... how all the music of the past is surfacing again.

The Rolling stones got some satisfaction over the years by selling millions of everything. Keith Richards was born December 18, 1943 and still going strong. Who would have thought that possible in 2013?

Steven Tyler’s noise in his head does not bother me all In fact,.nothing about him bothers me!  It is the title of his book about life made bestseller by American Idol. 

 Ozzy became a national family figure. Metallica has turned the page into the major bucks and a great remake! Led Zepplin  is smiling on  the stairway to heaven with us all. 

I had the honor of working with a guy who helped with the Eagles Hotel California recording. His  gig at that time was selling time shares in Orlando.He provided proof that Glen Frey did have some Dirty Laundry.  Bill Clinton might not have had "sex" with that woman but he did unite the Eagles again.It was one of his greatest accomplishments and the world owes him a lot for that!  Proof that Hell Freezes Over at least once in a lifetime. 

Some things never change…Life in the fast lane is speeding.The free bird is still flying; ACDC is  not selling Cheeseburgers in Paradise yet . Marilyn’s candle is blowing in the wind while Rocky Mountain high is still up there. Janis Joplin’s train 219 is running away with her man . Maybe these songs are just time in a bottle tossed into the sea of life.

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