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Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Robyne Highsmith is an accomplished artist and writer. What is life without Starbucks and chocolate?

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Do You Look Like A Hot Mess? This Will Get Your Butt Moving...

Why do people stop caring about their health and appearance? Is it an event or years of neglect? In my opinion, everyone should care about being healthy, you only have one body while on earth. You must care about your appearance if you want to realize a comfortable level of success in the work world.

I know many ladies who once upon a time, loved to look good and feel healthy .They spent time on weight control, makeup and wardrobe selection. In short, they cared. I see them out years later, no makeup, sweat clothes, and their hair ,we won't go there. A lot of them look like they have been “shoveling in Twinkies snack cakes ” for years.

 It appears somewhere along the years they stopped caring about life. By doing this, your health and happiness on this earth are compromised. You should give consideration to your appearance and what it says to the world. Being clean, neat and choosing clothes that fit your body don’t take a lot of time or skill.

Scientists have proven human brains calculate within thirty seconds of meeting someone their value in terms of age, social standing and if they are approachable . No matter how shallow and unfair, health and attractiveness factor into most parts of our lives. Hiring and promotion decisions are often based on both our ability and appearance.

Let me make this clear,appearance and beauty are two different things. Perfection lies within imperfection.Our flaws are what makes us beautiful.and unique.The goal is to do the best with what God had given you. I am not saying that you need plastic surgery, botox or anything medical to turn back the clock.

As we get older, being settled is easy. Some people claim that it is to much work to try to maintain health and youth. The old saying “people have to love me as I am”. In other words, I gave up and the rewards not worth it. Do people lose sight of the value in caring about themselves? Staying healthy and looking good have both physical and mental benefits. This has been proven with decades of medical research. Don't make me go there,you know I am right.

We all have photos of the past; do you ever look back and think I had it going on back then? If yes, then you still care. A transition back is not for anyone but you, it is not for a man, woman, kids, friends, it is for you. That is the only way to make it a success.

I see many of my friends making positive changes. They are getting healthy, looking good and dressing up again. There are many seventy year old ladies who still have it going on. They look sharp and put together. It is not age, it is effort.

Look in the mirror and answer honestly, have you really tried? It is never too late to start.

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