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Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Robyne Highsmith is an accomplished artist and writer. What is life without Starbucks and chocolate?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Jetsons and Flintstones Get Hacked At Target

Do you remember the Jetsons cartoons? It aired in 1962-1963 as a prime time show and was the first color TV show featured on the ABC network. The Jetsons were a  family residing in Orbit city. Life  in 2062 consisted of a skyline apartment, flying cars, Rosie the robot maid, and Astro the dog. They provided escape from the daily reality of drugs, war, and free love. This was a world most people thought would never exist,a cartoon at best. Were they really that far off?

We wake up to the cell alarm of our choice,the coffee pot smell arouses us with hope, and  gadgets provide our attractive appearance for work. There are cars that help park , warm your seat and even give you a massage on the way to work. We arrive and start the day off at work with email and communications. You get the idea...

Average is a big word , is there really such a thing? People spend their time differently year by year. In 2012,stats show the typical office job requires 6-8 hours a day on a computer. Most  drivers spend  2-2.5 hours in a car .According to Facebook data , users average 46 minutes per day on the site.

 Everything has both a positive and negative. Online is the top place to receive misinformation, and some slaps of reality. People can write anything they want (total lies) and millions of people will think it is true. A good example, celebrity death hoaxes. The scary part, important factual  information can be misconstrued as well.

Are old fashioned communication "ways" gone forever? People text each other, talking is out of date. You email the office next door , buy online and many people live in an isolated online virtual world. This is changing the way we live faster than ever before in history. Many students no longer have books, they use e-readers. Cursive writing is no long taught in many schools.

 Technology can be very invading of our lives .Reality is, if George or Fred shopped at Target (with most of America)during the holidays  ... Have you checked your Target bill for hackers this month? 

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