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Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Robyne Highsmith is an accomplished artist and writer. What is life without Starbucks and chocolate?

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hello, my name is Death

There comes a time in every life where you have to stare death in the face. Death is defined as the end of life, the time when someone or something dies, the ending of a particular person's life, the permanent end of something that is not alive. The ruin or destruction of something.

Death can be the end of life, divorce, job change or another permanent change. Through this experience you come to a realization that you're mortal and that death is inevitable. It opens a door to a path unseen.

We all know that time is limited. Each person is given the same 24 hours to live each day. Living is different for all of us. Some choose to spend life as a workaholic while others enjoy time with various activities. Is there really a right or wrong way to live?

Most people spend  time with those who matter most to you. Time creeps on and it becomes increasingly more valuable. I feel it is important to consider people who spend their lives making memories with you. In some ways you owe them good things to think about. Strange thing about memories, they become stronger or disappear with age.

Death in any form,can bring about wisdom to share with others who will listen. Until you have touched it squarely in the face, you can’t teach others the miracle it holds. It allows you to close a door, toss fears in the wind and allow others to live their life fully again. Leave nothing unsaid because you might never get the chance again. .

Life is really about sharing laughs. tears and being kind to people in the world. Does anything else really matter?

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