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Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Robyne Highsmith is an accomplished artist and writer. What is life without Starbucks and chocolate?

Friday, May 23, 2014

From my Beauty book...A look inside the world of cosmetics...

This is a chapter from my new book... being edited please excuse the typos:)

The Gold Diggers of High End Retail

There are platinum prone women who take a job in cosmetics for one purpose, to find a new wealthy husband. Most of the GD’s are not sweet young things seeking a sugar daddy. They are middle age women who are accustomed to a certain lifestyle and crave it at all costs. Living in “Greed land” they enjoy stair stepping to bigger bank accounts with each divorce.

The race of delusional is on when Mr. Rich walks in the door. It is fun to watch them prowl like cats, jumping over $3.000 handbags, hoping the others don’t snag him first. Each GD has their own rules, time schedule and expectations. Most include no cooking, cleaning, laundry and a maid must be provided during the relationship. They only seek “financial generosity" in a partner. Let me make this clear, she does like him as a person, in some form. He might have beautiful eyes or something like that….

Break out the tissues and waterproof mascara for this story.

Miss Flashy has been married 5 times and working on number 6 with great diligence. She has been working on the Ave several years hoping that the next credit card application will produce a good catch. Life is all about the income section and gold digging is a numbers game. On this mission, it is important to work as close to the men’s fragrance department as possible.

A typical scenario, Mr. Nice comes to the counter and shrikes up a conversation. She flashes a flirty veneered middle age smile and reluctantly (so he thinks) provides her phone number, He calls quickly and plans a lunch meeting during the same week. Dinners at a swanky restaurants and small gifts soon follow. You know, roses arrive at the counter and the game is on.

There is no sex at this point, she is a smart lady. Most women jump at the chance to bed a man of his stature in life. Miss Flashy must appear different from all the other women in order to catch her man. This cycle continues for a few weeks.

In desperation to spend “quality time together”, Mr. Nice plans a weekend trip. In other words, she has made him sex less and he is ready to seal the deal. He chooses a city with variety of things to do and a big bed for sex. Chicago and New York are always the two favorite options. In his mind, both cities are fun and give them a chance to “bond”. The only bonding she wants is with his wallet. Shopping is on the list of priorities with a cash preference.

In her mind, the rule is simple, dollars determine sex. Make no mistake about it, no spending and Mr. Nice will have a miserable trip. Miss Flashy expects to walk away with at least a few thousand dollars in merchandise. What does she do with most of it? Return it to the local high end retailer with receipt and get cash back. If he is using a credit card, she will select things to keep.

On return from the trip she will arrive with new bling and ready to tell the entire department all the juicy details. This includes sex and a bedroom ranking against the others. Included in the dramatic reenactment are her thoughts on dumping or “keeping him forever”.

The relationships last until the cash runs dry or he figures out the game. If everything is going as planned and he ends it, she is devastated. Tissue time here, tears flow and there will never be another man for her. Somehow the next month always brings a new one.

Before you hate on her to much, there are also male gold diggers too. The hot young guy, who waits on you, could be after your wallet. The difference seems to be young men go after married older women.They want to be boy toys for the rich or famous. This allows them to get their hands on the goodies. What better place to find them in high end retail?

 Ladies regularly purchase multiple bottles of men’s fragrance. At first, I was naive and thought they were for her husband. Mrs. Robinson is quick to point out that one is for him and the others are for boy friends.

All is fair in love and cosmetics.

Copyright © 2014 by Robyne Highsmith. All rights reserved.

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